
Thursday 7 June 2018

Wonder Questions - Pg 41-80 - English

Star Wars is one of Auggie’s passions. Why do you think this is? Do you see any reasons for Auggie to identify with these characters, or to aspire to be like them?
Star Wars characters are acknowledged as monsters, and people would say to Auggie behind his back that " he is a monster and he looks like one to" so he is associated as one of them. He actually likes it, since the monsters in Star Wars save planets, people and are heroes which is why is aspire's to be like them.

What questions did Julian ask August and why did August want to slide under the desk? Explain why Julian asked those questions?
Julian asked a question " Who is your favourite character in Star Wars ? ". Auggie replied " Jango Fett" interfering Julian answered " is it Dark Sidious".  Dark Sidious is a character with a shrivelled up face after he was in a fire. Julian indirectly is trying to either hurt Auggie's feelings or trying to see why his face turned out to be like that.

Image result for wonderMr Browne’s September Precept was 'When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind'. Do you agree with this precept? Explain.
Yes, because being right in some cases can hurt people's feelings and being kind is the right thing to do, whatever the situation.

In the chapter One to Ten, August is feeling mad with his mother but he's not sure why. Explain why you think he was mad?
I think August was getting annoyed and frustrated by his mom always asking questions every day after school.

August invited his whole class to his birthday party but not many kids came.
Why do you think they didn't go?
I think why I lot of people didn't show up was because no one wanted to be near him, or either they were really scared or anxious to be around him. Auggie also admitted that people didn't want to touch him because they thought he was contagious.

August says he has an 'Aversion' to getting his picture taken. What is an aversion? Why does Auggie have an aversion to having his picture taken?
Aversion is a dislike or hatred against something. I assume he doesn't want his picture taken because Auggie doesn't like how he looks or either he doesn't want people talking about what he looks like in the photo and bullying him about it.

Why does no one want to touch August? How do you think this makes him feel?
I think why nobody wants to touch August this is because they might think he is contagious. People might think they can get this disease just by touching him. 
Quote " I think it's like the cheese touch in the Diary of the wimpy kid were they think if they touch the cheese they might get cooties ".

Did your opinion of Jack Will change after August overheard him talking to Julian? Explain.
Yes, because I thought Jack was a nice and thoughtful person. Now I realised that Jack
will say anything in front if august just to make him his friend and help him with his studies, However, to sound cool jack will go behind august's back.

Do you think August will go back to school? Predict what will happen next?
Yes, because August has a strong character and he will go back to school no matter what the situation, he has learned how to deal with those mean people. I predict August will go to school and not talk to jack and probably later in the story will find a kind best friend.

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