
Wednesday 9 January 2019

⬅️ Summer Learning Journey - Day 1 - Week 4 ⬅️

Preserving The Past - ⬅️

Activity 1 ( World Of Wearable Arts )
In this activity, we have to write down 5 interview questions we would ask Dame Suzie Moncrieff

Image result for dame suzie moncrieff1. What made you want to do this event?

2. Who inspired you?

3. What is your favourite wearable art to this date?

4. Who is your favourite designer?

5. Would you ever want to participate in this event?

🎥 Summer Learning Journey - Day 4 - Week 3 🎥

Like A Scene Out Of A Movie

Activity 1 ( The Southern Lights )

This activity is all about describing the northern lights through an acrostic poem.
Image result for northern lights

Limited In Certain Countries
Great mixture of colours
Has various people come to see it
Two types (Southern & Northen lights )

Monday 7 January 2019

🛑 Summer Learning Journey - Day 5 - Week 3 - Here To Stay 🛑

Activity 1 ( Persist Pollution )
In this activity, we have to watch this video and write down three new things we learnt about air pollution.
Image result for air pollution
1. Natural sources are one of the reasons why we have air pollution. ( Eg: Volcanic Eruptions or Wildfires )

2. Most of the air pollution is what humans create. ( Eg: Greenhouse Gases )

3. There are ways to stop air pollution. ( Decreasing Fossil  Fuels )

Activity 2 ( Changing Climates )
In this activity, we have to write down 5 things we like to do on a rainy day.
Image result for rainy day activities
1. Watching Tv ( Movies & Cartoons )

2. Play Board Games ( Monopoly, Jenga or Headbanz )

3. Baking ( Cakes or Cupcakes )

4. Sleeping 

5.   Playing Cards 

✈️ Summer Learning Journey - Day 3 - Week 3 ✈️

Image result for pukeko
Taking Flight 

Activity 1 (Bird Of The Year ) Pukeko
The pukeko is one of the most notified birds due to its bold colours on its feathers. The pukeko is generally found in marshy roadsides and low lying country, but it can be found in swamps, lagoons, reeds and rushes. These birds are around 51 cm long. They are mostly vegetarian but they also eat, invertebrates, eggs, frogs, small fish, chicks & mammals. Pukekos can be territorial and aggressive.

Image result for Shapeshifting
Activity 2 ( Flying Fox ) 
In this activity, we have to tell you what superpower would I like and why?

I would like to be able to shapeshift. I chose this superpower because you can turn into anything and any moment and no one would notice, and it seems exciting.

Summer Learning Journey - Day 2 - Week 3

🌬️ The Air Up There 🌬️

Activity 1 ( Bee Informed )
Unbee-livable Facts about Bumblebees

The word ‘bumblebee’ is a compound word (bumble + bee). The word ‘bumble’ means to hum, buzz or move flounderingly.
Image result for bumblebee insect
Bumblebees can fly very quickly. They can reach ground speeds of _54_ kilometres per hour (km/h).

Bumblebees can do more work and carry more pollen than other bees, including honeybees. In fact, they can do up to 50 times as much work as a normal honeybee.

The number of bumblebees is declining in New Zealand due to a number of factors, including the wildflowers & Flowering Trees.

Image result for clipart spinachActivity 2 ( Carbon sinks don't sink )

This activity is about certain pieces of food I don't like. If there was to be a special sink that would drain down food I don't like, this is what I would like it to absorb:

- Spinach
- Corn

Thursday 3 January 2019

✨ Summer Learning Journey - Day 1 - Week 3 ✨

🔥 A Heated Debate 🔥

Activity 1 ( Togs Or Trackies )

Image result for summer in nz
I think the best time to visit New Zealand is in the summer because you get the most out of the sun. These are some activities you can do in the summer: 

- You can swim at the beach.
- You can walk in the native forests
- You can fish 
- You can kayak.
- And many other things........ 

Image result for sunsmart  

Activity 2 ( You Are My Sunshine )

Ways to stay sun smart in summer:

1. Most importantly apply sunscreen
2. Wear a hat 
3. Wear sunglasses
4.  Sit under a shady area
5. Put on a shirt

Slip, Slop, Slap, Seek & Slide

🗑️ Summer Learning Journey - Day 5 - Week 2 🗑️

🗑️ Wasting Away 🗑️

🎣 Activity 1 ( Off The Menu )🎣

Image result for people fishing

I think it is fair that people should be forced to pay a fine for fishing in overfished areas. I think this because since that area has been overfished, rarely any fish will be caught and some might be breeding and fishing will disturb them. I think people should be paid a fine but not a high as 100,000. Somewhere between 50,000 to 80,000.

🌊Activity 2 ( The Black Drain ) 🌊

Polluted Rivers In NZ.

Waikirikiri River 
This river is located in Selwyn, Canterbury.

There are no statements saying how they are going to stop pollution in the river but the Green party is solving the issue.

Ruamahanga River
South Eastern North Island

Local Communities and farmers are helping restore its health.

Wednesday 2 January 2019

🎆 Summer Learning Journey - Day 4 - Week 2 🎆

🎆 Spectacular, Spectacular 🎆

Activity 1 ( Planes, Trains & Automobiles )
In this activity, we have to write about which transport we will take to Milford Sound and why?
Image result for milford sound#

We were given an option to travel to Milford Sound through boat, helicopter or by foot. If I was to travel to Milford Sound I would choose a helicopter because of the scenery. Travelling in the air is usually more exciting than by boat or foot. Plus it would be my first time on a helicopter.

Image result for devil's bath rotorua
Activity 2 ( Its All In The Name )
Think of names that we can call the devils bath in Rotorua.

1. Alien Invasion
2. The Swamp 
3. Snot Lake 

These are some I have created.