
Wednesday 27 February 2019

Harriet Tubman - Social Studies

Harriet Tubman

The slide above is about the underground railroad, Harriet Tubman and spiritual songs. Harriet Tubman was "Conductor" for the railroad. She is an amazing woman who helped hundreds of slaves to freedom. There is information about spiritual songs which they sang to escape and a bit about Harriet Tubman. 

Something I learned?
I learned how the underground railroad worked and the interesting part was how Harriet would risk her life going back to help other slaves to freedom. I find that courageous. I also learned about how spiritual songs had hidden meaning/clues which helped slaves immensely. 

Climate - ESOL

🌧️ Climate 🌞
In ESOL we are learning about weather and climate. Ms Briggs assigned us to write about the hottest and coldest place on earth. The hottest place on earth is Death Valley in California whereas the coldest place on earth is Vostok Station in Antarctica. There is more information about these places in the paragraphs below.

The Hottest Place On Earth:
Death Valley in California is the hottest place on earth. The temperatures can vary between 28 to 30 degrees Celsius in winter. In summer the average temperature is between 39 to 47 degrees Celsius. That’s hot! Its located between the borders of California and Nevada. Death Valley is surrounded by mountains and deserts. Because It's a desert, it has long summers and less rain. The northern part of death valley holds the Badwater Basin, which is 282 feet below sea level. Death Valley is one of the driest places on earth, so animals have evolved to go many days without water, such as bighorn sheep, kangaroo rats, desert tortoises, snakes and many more. Small fish actually live in the desert, they live in creeks and springs. In Death Valley, it’s wrong to give the animals food because it disturbs their ability to find food and water by themselves.  People do live there, the population is 320 approximately. There are many attractions in Death Valley such as the Badwater Basin, Devils Golf Course, Furnace Creek, Darwin Falls, Ubehebe Crater and numerous amounts of valleys and canyons.


The Coldest Place On Earth?
Vostok Station in Antarctica is the coldest place on earth. The population is 25 in the summer seasons and 13 to 14 in the winter seasons, approximately. Many scientists work there to find out the climate of the past and future. Its located in Princess Elizabeth Land. There is no mountains, forests or rivers, the variety is flat snow and ice. Antarctica is a desert which means it gets very little rain. The lowest the temperatures got was -89.6 degrees Celsius. The average temperature in Vostok is -65 degrees Celsius in winter whereas in summer it's -40 degrees.  Penguins and seals are very common in Antarctica, I assume there would be some around the area. Unfortunately, there is not much information about Vostok compared to Death Valley.

Believe it or not, Death Valley and Vostok Station have some similarities. They are both deserts. Both places have animals living on them which have adapted to the harsh environments. Death Valley and Vostok Station contain really severe climates. In contrast, Death Valley is extremely hotter than Vostok Station and vice versa. Death Valley has a higher population than Vostok Station. These are some similarities and differences between climates.

Sunday 24 February 2019

Slave Trade Triangle - Social Studies

My Slave Trade Map:

Click on the colourful points, and it will bring up an explanation on what happened at each and every point, same for the lines.

What Is The Slave Trade Triangle?
The slave trade triangle is a triangle formed in the Atlantic ocean and the main objective is to exchange Africans for weapons and ammunition. Then Europeans would take them to Africa in horrible conditions and make them do laborious work, for money.

What Is The First Passage?
The first passage is loading guns and weapons to trade with Africans kings for slaves. There are 3 points that the Europeans can arrive at Dakar, Cacheu & Sierra Leone.

What Is The Middle Passage?
Africans were taken from Africa to the Caribbean in very severe condition, the Europeans would pack as many slaves as they could in the bottom part of the ship and make the slaves dance to keep them fit. If the slaves were unfit they would throw them overboard or if the tried to fight back the Europeans would kill them. This passage also involved selling Africans to Americans for personal slaves. Even in America, they were treated poorly.

What Is The Third Passage?
The third passage is loading the products the slaves picked and made and shipping them to Europe for money.

Something I Learned About This Topic?
I learned a lot during this topic but something interesting I learned was how they would pack as many Africans slaves on the boat and treat them very carelessly, like animals.

Monday 18 February 2019

Tarzan English - 2019

Image result for tarzan

Here are some questions and answers based on the movie we watched, Tarzan:

" Two Worlds, One Family "
I think this quote means, we are all one family and connected somehow even if we are animals or humans but we have our differences.

Here are some paragraphs I wrote :

A message from the movie Tarzan is we don’t respect or care for nature. This is because the bad characters such as Clayton are more concerned about themselves, their pleasure and wealth. We saw this in the scene when Clayton first comes to Africa and starts cutting through leaves and plants to make his way through the jungle, whereas Tarzan uses vines to travel. This is why I think it is important to understand nature and be more appreciating to it. In the real world, people are cutting down trees and damaging animal habitats for their benefits but in an ideal world this wouldn’t be happening, and animals wouldn’t be going extinct.

A message from the movie Tarzan is we show no respect for people who are different from us. This is because we don’t try to understand or connect with them we start judging them straight away. We see this in the scene when Karla brings the baby Tarzan to Kerchak, and he instantly says no because he judges Tarzan and doesn’t try to understand him. This is why I think it's important to understand a person before you make a judgment. In an ideal world, people wouldn’t have people like Clayton and Kerchak judging them by their colour, religion or appearance.

Saturday 16 February 2019

My Culture - Health - 2019

Spiritual Well Being - Health 2019

What does culture mean to you?

Culture means to me following certain customs and celebrating with family and friends. It also means wearing traditional clothing and making traditional food.

How does culture relate to spiritual well being?
Sometimes culture can relate to spiritual well being by religion. Spiritual well being is your values and what you believe in and through religion sometimes you create your personal beliefs. Spiritual well being is not based on religion, is based on your personal identity, self-worth, the meaning in life and these are only some. Culture is a certain part of spiritual well being.  

This Is The Task For Health Create A Table With Your Holidays And Answer Some Questions: 

Thursday 14 February 2019

Home Economics - 2019 - Year10

8th February 

What we did?
Last week in Home Economics class we made Rice Patties with my group of four.

What we learnt?
During the class, I learnt how to cut spring onion the correct way. Since it was a new kitchen we learnt where the equipment was and how to turn on the right switches to the oven, stove, hood and microwave. 

What do I need to work on?
As a group what we need to work on is time management and space-saving because the room is quite small.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15th February 
On the 15th of February, we made some hamburgers and the recipe is below with the following questions.

What Roles We Had Our Group:
In the group, we had several roles but some of my roles were: Washing the dishes, Wiping the dishes, Mixing all the ingredients together and keeping the table clean. These are some roles I had making the hamburger.

What Health & Safety issues did we encounter?
These are some of the issues we encountered: Someone cut their finger, the meat was not cooked properly and some organisation issues. 
What improvements need to be made?
- Better Time Management
- Communication
- Better Organisation Skills
- Try To Finish On Time
- Try Being A Little Faster

Wednesday 13 February 2019

Business and Enterprise - Money 💰


In Business and Enterprise, we are learning about the history of money ( Coins, Paper Money or Bartering ). In this post, I am going to write about 3 forms of money one form ancient history, one from the 20th century and 21st century.

The Three Forms :

Something that I think will pop up in the future is thumb recognition which then you can pay for something. It might be just like paywave but with your thumb. 

Tuesday 12 February 2019

Social Studies - Human Rights - Poster

What Am I Learning So Far?
In Social Studies I am learning about Human Rights, and what rights people have all over the world.

What Is The Most Interesting Thing I've Learnt?
Something interesting I learnt is if people have these rights, why is there still slavery? Why can't over a million adults read? Why are people getting discriminated because of there colour, religion or sex?

Explain What My Work Is And How It Links To The Topic?
Canva Poster:
This poster is all about the thirty human rights all humans have all over the world. It tells us what rights we have and that humans can't force us to do things for their pleasure. I think this connects to my learning because I have displayed all the human rights in a poster and have made keywords stand out.
The ranking above, me and my group have done is all about what we think is the most important human rights are as a group. There is also a description below explaining why we chose certain rights as our first, second and etc.

Social Studies - Human Rights - Rankings

Human Rights
In Social Studies, we are learning about human rights. This is one of our assignments where we decided which human rights should be in the top 5. Out of the possible thirty we chose these rights as our top five. We also have to create a poster with all the human right written in it:
Image result for human rights slaveryTop 5
1)No one can take your human rights away.
2) Education
3)Everyone has the right to Freedom, though, religion.
4)Right To Speak
5)Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty.

These are the reasons why we chose what we chose:

We chose Right no.30 ( No one can take your human rights Away) because its a general concept/ rule connecting to basically all the human rights.

We chose education as our second most important because we think basic knowledge is needed for overall needs.

We chose everyone has the right to Freedom, though, religion as our third choice because it covers everyone as an equal human being.

We chose the right to speak as our as our fourth option because everyone should be able to speak their mind/thoughts and be able to express themselves/feelings.

We chose Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty as our fifth option because you should not be convicted of a criminal penalty that you have not committed or taken part of.

Monday 11 February 2019

Identity - Health - 2019

Image result for spiritual well beingHealth - Hauora

These last two weeks in health class we have been learning about spiritual well being ( Taha Wairua ). We have been doing some activities and tasks around spiritual well being.

What is Spiritual Well Being?
Spiritual well being is based on what you believe in and your values. This does not necessarily mean following a religion. It's also about the motivation and attitude towards life. Most importantly your personal Identity.

In health class, I took a personal values test and these are my top two values and some questions followed by...

This is my identity photo:
