
Friday 11 May 2018

Particle Theory Of Matter - Conduction

Aim: To observe conduction along a metal rod.

Equipment: Metal Rod, Leg of the tripod., Bunsen Burner, Petroleum Jelly, 5- 10 Drawing Pins & a Stopwatch.

1. Set up and light bunsen burner.

2. Smear a small amount of petroleum jelly onto the head of each drawing pin.

3. Attach the drawing pin at even intervals along the leg of the tripod.

4. Position the leg of the tripod the Bunsen flame and start the

5. Record the time it takes for each pin to drop in the table below.

What we saw was approximately every 2 minutes the pin from the leg of the tripod would drop except for the last pin which took longer since it was at the end of the leg. 

As the heat travels along the metal rod the Vaseline melts dropping the pin. It takes time for the for the rod to be heated all the way through meaning the pins will take time to drop.

1 comment:

  1. A very nice blog post Nidhi! I am really impressed with your work in Science and i hope you continue to have this high standard of work in both your Scipad and blog posts. Make sure you continue to use the scientific terminology in your explanations but otherwise, keep it up!!


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