
Tuesday 21 November 2017

Reading Bingo - Task

Relationship Diagram:
In reading I was given a task by my teacher ( Miss Richardson), and one of these task are create a relationship diagram about the book between the characters. My book I chose was Diary Of A Wimpy Kid Dog Days.
What am I learning :
I am learning to finish all these tasks before it's due date.
How am I progressing:
I think I am doing good and I have finished all the tasks needed for reading bingo.
What am I wondering:
I am wondering what will happen if he stayed with rowley's family for another week. What would happen to him?


  1. Hey Nidhi, I like how you have added some really cool pictures and how you haven't made your blog boring. Next time though I think you could add some colour to your post.

  2. Hey Nidhi, I like your pictures, they look really cool. Next time, you could maybe explain to your viewers what a reading bingo is, or what you have to do in order to complete it. You're doing great!


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