
Monday 31 July 2017

How the body works ?

We are learning to explain how the body functions
I have been learning how the body works.(HAIR)
Where does hair come from:
There are 2 follicles at the surface of skin. At the base of each follicles is something called a hair bulb, where hair cells multiple. As hair begins to grow it pushes up and out of the follicle and out the skin where it can be seen.
Where does hair grow:
Hair grows almost anywhere, some hair are easy to see than others. Depending on where hair is, it has different jobs. Examples: Hair on top of your head keeps your head warm, Eyelashes protects you from dirt and dust getting into them & your eyebrows stops sweat from dripping into them.

Split Ends: When hair is at the skins surface the cells that make up a strand of hair aren't alive anymore so when you cut them off it doesn't hurt. Hair grows half a inch every month.

Colored Hair:
Hair can come in all sorts of colors.The color of your hair comes from something called melanin which is a pigment. The lighter someones hair the less melanin. As you age your hair loose's melanin that's why it goes white. EG. Say if you have blonde hair you have less melanin to someone who has black hair which has lot's of melanin.

Why is hair so oily and shiny:
There is something called the Sebaceous Glands which produces oil to make it shiny. Sometimes the sebaceous glands produce so much that it makes your hair look oily and greasy.

Loosing Hair:
Hair is always falling out whether you know it or not. There are at least 100,000 strands of hair on an average persons head & 50-100 strands of hair is lost everyday. Loosing hair, it's not such a big deal because it is being replaced by a new piece of hair. Here's  how it work: When your hair falls out of a follicle it is being replaced by a new piece of hair.

Ways to keep your hair healthy:
  • Washing hair regularly makes your hair look healthy and shiny.
  • Brush and comb your hair regularly to help it look healthy.
  • Last but not least always eat healthy.

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