
Wednesday 3 July 2019

Persuasive Argument - ESOL

Image result for global warming

Global Warming Is Destroying Antarctica.  

What is global warming? It the rise of the earths average temperature over a long period of time and I believe this is a huge issue. Evidence shows that the average temperature has risen approximately, 0.8 degrees Celsius since the industrial revolution. This has a huge impact on Antarctica's climate. One simple way to help resolve this issue is to invest your money in energy efficient appliances such, energy efficient dryers, freezers or washing machines, to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. By doing this you're not only helping to save the plant but to preserve it for the next generations to come. 

Nasa temperatures

As we know Antarctica is known for its snow, ice and adorable animals. However, since the rise in temperatures, the earth has been getting more droughts, heat waves and stronger hurricanes. This is extremely bad for your health as the heat waves will increase heat strokes or even cause death. The higher temperatures affect the plants, animals and weather patterns. The warming of the water leads to animals which live in cold habitats in search for new habitats. So if you think climate change has nothing to do with you, think again. I believe in another 100 to 200 years there will be no fresh water and many coastal cities will be under the sea. I also believe that many animals and plants will be extinct. We are burning the earth. There are many ways you can make a difference, but one easy way is to reduce the waste coming from your house. Landfills are major contributors to methane and other greenhouse gases, so by reducing your waste, it will have a massive impact. 

Due to higher temperatures, the ice in Antarctica is melting, and very large amounts are falling into the ocean. Earth contains 70% water and of that 70% only 3% is fresh water, and most of it is frozen in the Antarctic glaciers. The melting of the ice leads to fresh water mixing with salt water making it undrinkable for humans. This may not seem possible but research shows that 2.7  trillion tons of ice have already melted. This means we’ve lost 2.7 trillion tons of fresh water. This causes a rise in the earth's sea level. Evidence shows the earth's sea level has grown by 1 centimetre and will continue growing if we don’t do anything about it. There are multiple ways you can make a change. You could ride your bike or use a kitchen cloth instead of a paper towel. Riding a bike is not only healthy but no carbon dioxide emissions are produced, and paper towels are mainly made in factories which again release CO₂ emissions.

1 comment:

  1. You presented a clear argument. I like how you offered alternatives and gave advice. This includes your reader and helps them connect to the text. I think you could have added a final statement to close your argument strongly.


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