To find out how far a paper plane can fly and how forces react on it.
I think my paper plane will fly around about 4 meters so that’s half the classroom. My prediction is that the plane will not go straight it will just be on a lean.
Forces On A Paper Plane:
These are the force on a paper plane drag meaning pulling the paper plane. Thrust meaning pushing the paper plane. Weight/Gravity meaning pulling the object to the ground. Lift meaning pulling it towards the sky/upwards.
Here is my plane:here my paper plane:
My plane flew 4 meters so that's half of the classroom.
What did I learn from this: I learned what forces act on paper planes and what forces act on objects in general.
What i might change next time:
I would take more time into my work and make a paper plane that can fly far.
Really nice blog post Nidhi, you really have learned a lot about forces, and great to see a photo of your plane.